(All of the information on this blog was found through various shows, crack pot theories, and BBC history shows. Some information may be wrong, and if you find any that is PLEASE inform me. (I don't actualy believe that the world will end, I just like the subject.))
For thousands of years there have been hundreds upon hundreds of predictions, prophesies, educated guesses, and what not saying that the world WILL end. And a majority of those predict that it will happen in 2012. One thing they all have in common also, it will be big. Very big.
The ancient civilization of Mayans built a scarily accurate calender, Like ours it was based off of solar cycles and seasons. But it also was loosely based on astronomical events, such as let's say, a solar eclipse, or when a certain planet or star would be visible, and when. Every single solar eclipse since the creation of the calender was accurate, every lunar eclipse, when stars were visible, the kind of moon that would be up, how much day light there would be, some pretty freakin' scary predictions, that all came true. It also predicted when certain things would be aligned.
Based on modern sciences in the astronomy department they have been able to plot out positions of stars and planets, basically making their own predictions too. (like the half moon full moon thingy on our modern calenders) But they all coincided with the Mayans calendar. The Mayan calender ended on a particular date, a very special date. One of astronomical meaning and proportion. On both predictions A major event know as Galactic Alignment will occur on December 21, 2012. Galactic Alignment is also known as winter solstice, where the sun on the solstice aligns with the canter of the galaxy, with a declination of -23.5 degrees. This only happens every 26,000 years.
But most people argue that the Mayans didn't predict the end of the world. Every day on the calander has a special name to it, Just like our modern day "January 1st, 2009" idea. They also named every Cycle (the every 26,000 years of galactic alignment), but here's the thing..they named a few of them, but those titles also end at the end of this cycle. "Did the Mayans just quit naming them after a certain ammount?" Some might ask, but I say "No."
The Mayans were a very smart, very thurough society. Almost OCD like. Like the Monks of ancient societies. (the OCD detective off of TNT, not meditating monks). So why would they stop naming Cycles after just a few? They wouldn't, it just wasn't them too. I think they knew something we haven't found out for ourselves yet, something bigger that happens at the end of this Cycle, that's why they didn't name any more, because there wouldn't be any more after it.
Of course the calender doesn't actually say the "This is the end of the world" but it does say quite a bit, it says something BIG will happen.
Another prediction was made by some really old guys who worshiped and followed something completely different than the Mayans. They were called prophets, these prophets lead into a couple of places, the Christians and the Romans.
But first the Romans. The Romans had female prophets, called Oracles. There were a few Oracles who made pretty scary accurate predictions, hundreds of years before they happened. Like Hannibal the Conqueror, or Julius Ceaser, Pilate, even Jesus was predicted by the Romans. In fact a majority of these prophecies were called by name,Like Hannibal, or Alexander. They were prophecised by name to be great conquerors.
They also predicted great terror, and they too set a date on it. December 21, 2012. There were a few prophets who actually came up with that date. They described great war, great nations and great leaders. They described destruction and death.
These Oracles, while they made their prophecies would isolate themselves in caves. In these caves it is said that there was a gas that endused a high like state that somehow opened up the Oracles prophetic abilities. Allowing them to see by the Gods eyes into the future. They would write these prophecies onto leaves, and hand the leaves to some one that was designated to retreive them and deliver the message.
And like I said. They prophecised December 21, 2012 by date. Is two not enough for you?
How about the Christians? They are famous for having hundreds of prophets that had fortunes mysteriously fulfilled. The most famous one, Jesus Christ. Son of Man. Despite this being a great and very amazing prophecy being fulfilled, it is not our topic of discussion. No, our topic lies with the minor prophets, smaller than Haggai, or Zephaniah, so small, that over times history has unfortunatley forgotten their names. But their prohpecies still remain.
They aren't exactly part of the bible, the Romans ,soon after Jesus's crucifiction, decided that it wasn't really a major part in the Jesus bit, and trimmed it up. Of course these prophecies too came true, very much exactly how they were, they too also prophecised the end of the world. They prophecised war, and a great leader that all will adore, and great monsters, death, angels, demons, and a return of the God on earth. A great cataclismic event that would shake the boundaries of earth, and tear it up was prophecised (also prophecised by John the baptist in exile in the biblical book of Revelations, but a specific date isn't given in that one). Maybe this could be the great event prophecised by the Mayans? Maybe a great galactic event is what is to inspire God to make his move? Or maybe it's just a coincidence.
There is a famous lone prophet, almost everyone has heard of him, but doesn't know his true story. He is known as a magician, a mediator between countries, an advisor to a great king. His name is Merlin. But what people don't know about Merlin is that he wasn't a magician in a kings court, he wasn't grand or magical. He was a prophet, a form of prophet that were considered great, but like the animal. In fact people even thought they were either raised or born of animals.
Merlin, he was the greatest, propbably, probably even greater than any of the Roman prophets. He lived in the mountains of England, writing down his prophecies on bark or leaves, or paper that was donated. When he made a prophecy big enough he would either walk into a town or find traveler and deliver the message. Having him run across the nation delivering his news.
One prophecy shook the bones of almost anyone who read it. It was of course a dooms day prophecy. Of great war and famine, death and destruction. He described it in great detail, almost everything was like it is today. Great metal machines and flying mechanical birds. Weapons of unimaginable scale and destruction. It was almost a book this prophecy. But when read, nobody wanted to take it as true. They put it away in a folklore book, trying to make it seem a common tale.
Fortunatley there were some people who read it and kept the truth going on. Also leaving proof and evidence that what they say is true.
Another great prophet that you probably heard about, Nostradamas. He was alive in close to the same time as Merlin. And he too made predictions about great mchines, and cities that touched the sky. He described our modern day worl in detail using oldern day terms and expressions.
Torwards the end of his life there was another prophecy. on that was centeredaround an event. An end of the world event. December 21, 2012. He described war and famine, and all that good scary stuff.
So, is that enough? Or are old prophecies and dead prophets not enough? Maybe a little something more modern to close this book. How about...a COMPUTER!
Yes, I said a computer. More specificaly a computer software program called Web Bot has prophecised a earth wide event to happen in 2012.
The computer program was at first developed to detect trends in stock market and help prepare stock holders for changes in advance. But later on some dude decided to take it and run crisises, and catastrophies. When he did so the program came out witha scary conclusion. 2012 will hold something that will happen on a global scale. Effecting everyone drasticaly. (http://thesop.org/index.php?article=11011 web site for more info.)
Of course with old prophets, there are new. But these guys aren't even worth mentioning. They take the ideas of old and transcribe them into now. Developing their own theories and and prophecies.
Some of these crack pot theories seem just out of this world. But I will mention a couple to end this little shinanigan on a more comedic note.
One of these such prophecies says that on December 21, 2012 there will be a galactic event that cause perfect conditions for a take over. Not a take over like, invaded by Gernamy, or Russia, but by aliens. And not aliens as in little green men from mars, but as in pandimensional creatures tearing a hole in the fabric of our universe and stepping through to take over our world and steal our souls.
Another goes along the same lines, except this time they're from another universe. And they aren't aliens, they are dinosaurs. In this other universe dinosaurs ever died out, they grew and evolved into sapien like reptiles. In thos theory these dino-sapiens will come througha gap in universes that they somehow discovered among their ruin of a world to take over, turn us into slaves (and dinner at some points), and use us in their other universe as rent-to-own house maids. but we won't be cleaning house maids, we will be cleaning an entire universe. And when we're dont they'll just throw us out like old cloths. In the mean while, while we are cleaning, they will use out world as a vacation home. Skiing and eating our cattle. Using up our natural resouces and what not. But they won't stay, they just want us to clean for them. Forcibaly, and violently. For these are creatures that never evolved souls like we have, so have no mercy or care, or any attraction to art, music or human rights (or dino-sapien rights!)
I guess in the end, we have no idea what is going on in this universe really, or in another universe. We don't know if it's all just a coincidence, or what really is going to happen But I say, better safe than sorry. Maybe there will be a trans universal take over, maybe the earth will split at it seams on a galactic event. We just don't really know. Maybe it is true to some extent. Maybe it'll just be another depression. Who knows, but like I said, Beter safe than sorry. Build big underground bunks people. It's the only way.
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